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Last Updated:
9/19/2017 7:50 AM



Surrendering Your Sheltie


Sheltie Rescue of GA, Inc. (SRGA) accepts purebred Shetland Sheepdogs from their current owners for placement with new owners. SRGA requires owners who want to surrender their Shelties to us to sign an Owner Surrender Agreement.  With this agreement, the former owners release full ownership of their dog to SRGA, understanding that the dog becomes the property of SRGA. The former owners must also agree that no legal liability will befall SRGA, either by them or any previously unknown owners. By signing the Agreement, they agree that they may not attempt to reclaim the dog, but are welcome to contact SRGA to see how the dog is doing while in foster care, understanding that once the dog is placed, we will not provide further updates. They are also required to grant SRGA the right to give the dog any medical treatment deemed necessary and to place the dog in an approved foster or adoptive home. Former owners will not be put in contact with the new owners for any reason. Surrendering a Sheltie to SRGA will not necessarily disqualify someone from applying and being allowed to adopt another Sheltie in the future, however the circumstances of the surrender will be considered during the application process.




Will SRGA accept a surrendered Sheltie mix?

No. People come to SRGA primarily for purebred dogs and mixes do not, in general, find placement easily with us. In order to be able to save the maximum number of purebred Shelties possible, Sheltie Rescue of GA only takes in owner surrenders that are purebred Shetland Sheepdogs. 


Will SRGA accept a surrendered agressive Sheltie?


No. Sheltie Rescue of GA does not take in any aggressive dogs or any dog that has bitten a person or is aggressive toward other dogs. If your dog has these problems, dealing with it is your responsibility. Please do not pass your problem on to an unsuspecting person. We are more than happy to consult with you about behavioral problems you are having with your Sheltie. Please feel free to email info@sheltierescue-ga.org or call the hotline number (770-926-2001) with your concerns. There are many cases where we have been able to help people resolve their problems. We can also make recommendations for trainers. Please remember that if you pass on an aggresive dog to another person without disclosing the problems you have encountered and someone is harmed, you can be held both civilly and criminally responsible for the injuries the dog causes.


Will SRGA accept a Sheltie you have found?


Unfortunately, SRGA cannot accept found Shelties directly from members of the public. It is important that every attempt to locate the dog's original owner be made. This includes placing an ad in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (404-577-5772) and your local paper, contacting all the local veterinary offices, groomers, and local animcal control facilities and shelters, posting fliers in the area the dog was found, etc. These fliers should only list general information regarding the dog, leaving something out so that the dog can be identified. They should NOT include a photo of the actual dog, though a generic Sheltie picture of a different color than the dog is OK. It is a good idea to document your efforts to show everything that was done.


Remember, keep the Sheltie in a secure location, preferably indoors in a crate or in a fenced area while you look for its owners. Also remember to feed and water the Sheltie daily. Call us if the Sheltie is hurt or sick, or if you need advice during your search for the original owner.


Other things you can do to find the original owner ...

  • Check the Sheltie for a tag on a collar.
  • Scan for a microchip.  Many breeders, pet owners, shelters and rescue groups (including ours) are now implanting microchips in dogs. Sheltie Rescue microchips all dogs that we place. With a quick trip up to your local veterinarian, you can have the Sheltie you found scanned to see if they have a microchip. Call first to make sure the vet has a scanner. Vets normally do not charge for this service. If you can't find a vet to scan the Sheltie for you, contact us and we will do it for you.
  • If you aren't sure if the dog you found is a Sheltie, contact us anyway, we'll be happy to give you our opinion.
  • Place fliers in your neighborhood, at intersections, places of worship and vets offices. Feel free to contact us for help in creating a flier.
  • Check the Sheltie for a tattoo. These are usually found on the ear or inner thigh. Many people who have their dogs tattooed also teach them a command to "show me your belly." Sometimes with dogs with lots of hair, the tattoo appears as a dark smudge on the thigh. You will need to part the hair to read it and in some instances cut the hair away.


If the owner is not located, we will be happy to take the dog, however. you must satisfy the legal requirements for trying to find the previous owner in your area. In most cases, this will mean the dog will have to spend a minimum "stray hold" period at the local animal shelter. This is necessary in order to give the dog's owner the best possible chance to find their lost pet, as this is usually the first (and main) place people go to look. Please check with your county to find out what they require and give us a call so that we can let that animal control facility know that we will take the dog when the hold time has expired, if no one claims the dog in the meantime. Providing us with the Animal Control's dog number and intake date is preferred.


Will SRGA accept a Sheltie you got from a breeder or another rescue organization?


If you received your dog from a breeder or another rescue organization, we ask that you contact them first to let them know you are trying to place the dog. Reputable breeders and organizations will be happy to take their dogs back. In many cases, they may be quite upset with you if they are not contacted first. We certainly would be. If the breeder does not want to take their dog back, then have them contact us to let us know.


Surrendering Your Sheltie


We are not without compassion when circumstances require people to re-home their Sheltie. However, many people believe there is a fabled home out in the country that will be perfect for the dog they no longer have time for or want. They also seem to think that we have unlimited funding and resources. That is simply not the case. We simply cannot keep up with the demand for owner surrenders without some help in the form of donations from the former owners. Our costs include spay/neuter, vaccination for rabies, DHPPC, canine influenza, and Bordatella, heartworm test, heartworm treatment when needed, fecal check, fecal treatments when needed, an intake grooming, microchip, flea treatment and heartworm preventative. There are also often costs for bloodwork and tumor removals. Our typical expenses are:

Male - heartworm negative       $252.25
Male - heartworm positive        $392.25
Female - heartworm negative    $277.25
Female - heartworm positive     $397.25


Therefore, when possible we ask that you make a donation when you surrender your dog. We understand that often, especially in cases of allergy of family members, divorce, deceased or terminally ill family members, that the financial situation makes this difficult. In these instances, we ask that you do what you can, when you can. We have had people make a donation a couple of years after they surrendered the dog. In order to help defray as many costs of fostering, please bear in mind that it is also helpful to us to receive medications,flea and heartworm prevention that belongs to the dog, as well as any personal items such as food, crates, bowls, toys, leashes, etc..


Add your Sheltie to the Foster Home Waiting List


If you would like to be put on the waiting list for an available foster home please complete our Surrender Request Form and send us an email that includes a photo of the dog. Once we have reviewed your request and have a foster home available, we will require a completed Owner Surrender Form that asks for more detailed information. We must receive a signed copy of the Owner Surrender Form when you surrender the dog as it includes the release statements mentioned above. We cannot guarantee that your dog will be brought into foster care immediately. If no foster home is available at the time you contact us originally, SRGA, Inc. will keep this information on file until one becomes available. Please remember that we are an ALL VOLUNTEER organization. We will make every effort to see that someone gets back to you in 3 to 5 days after your information has been received.


Mailing address for donations and Owner Surrender information:
Sheltie Rescue of GA, Inc.
c/o Kathy Greene
PO Box 560
Locust Grove, GA 30248


Sometimes there is just no room at the inn


We never know how many dogs we'll have in Rescue at the same time. Unfortunately, it tends to come in waves, and sometimes there are just no available Foster Homes. In the event that we do not have foster space available or you are not willing to make an owner surrender donation, you can try to place the dog yourself.


  • You can place an ad in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (404-577-5772) or on Craig's List, but bear in mind that there can be unscrupulous people out there not looking out for the best interest of the dog.
    • If you place an ad, ALWAYS ask for fee of some type. We recommend at least $150. That way, you will increase your likelihood of getting someone who will actually care for the dog after they take possession.
  • Put up a picture (pictures get noticed) and brief description of the dog at your veterinarian's office and local pet stores.  Contact us and we will be happy to help you create a nice flier.
  • Contact family members and friends to let them know you are trying to find a new home for your dog. Ask them if they would put up notices at their place of business. The more people who know you are trying to place the dog the better chance you have of finding that new home.
  • You may also place a Courtesy Listing with us on our Available page. We charge a $25 fee for the listing and will forward all applications we receive for your dog to you.


To list your dog as an owner referral on our website we require:

  • The dog must be a purebred Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)
  • We must receive written proof from your vet that your dog has been spayed or neutered, is up to date on vaccinations (Distemper/ Parvo and Rabies), and tested heartworm negative within the past six months.
  • Send us information for an ad to include a picture of your dog, a paragraph form description of him telling his/ her name, age, sex, temperament, personality, any health or behavioral problems, and list any training he or she has had. You should mention how he/she gets along with other dogs, cats, and children. Describe what kind of home you think would be best for your dog. Note the contact information you wish us to post on our website. We can post either a phone number, email address or both. We will not list your home address on the website.
  • Please print a release form, which includes an Owner Survey. Fill it out and return it with the other information listed.
  • Send a $25 donation for a three month listing on this page. Renewals are $10 for each additional three months. Listings will be updated on the 15th of every month. Listings are not refundable and pictures will not be returned. We reserve the right to refuse listing any of the ads we receive; in which case we would refund the fee.
  • Ad information and digital picture files can be submitted electronically to the webmaster. However, the information will not be posted until the webmaster has received confirmation that your written information, money and signed form has been received.
    • Mail Ads with Fee to:
      Sheltie Rescue of GA, Inc.
      c/o Kathy Greene
      PO Box 560
      Locust Grove, GA 30248

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